Foods to buy organic @ home or away

To buy organic or not organic? For the majority of us, this decision is determined by the waist of our wallets. Trust me, I’m a university student, I have a front row seat to this compromising battle every week. Nonetheless, I have comprised a wee list that I try to abide by as much as possible. I call it, The Dirty Dozen [and some more].

Define// The Dirty Dozen – These lists are emerging all over health and wellness websites and blogs lately. The list reveals the annual, top 12 (not in my case) food culprits, otherwise known as in more detail as, the fruit and vegetables that are most laden with pesticides.

Unfortunately the fruits and vegetables exposed in this list have very thin outer layers, “skins”, so their defence mechanisms are… hate to say it… counterproductive/useless/ineffective when exposed to pesticides.

Here they are… (in no particular order so they can maintain some dignity)

  • Apples *
  • Pears *
  • Strawberries *
  • Grapes/raisins/sultanas *
  • Celery *
  • Peaches *
  • Spinach *
  • Sweet bell peppers / capsicum *
  • Nectarines
  • Cucumbers *
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Snap peas
  • Potatoes *
  • Hot Peppers
  • Kale
  • Collard Greens
  • Apricots *
  • Plums *
  • Mandarins *
  • Oranges *
  • Rasberries *
  • Blueberries *
  • Broccoli *

Additional non fruit or vegetable products to look out for

  • Butter/cream/cheese *
  • Wheat ie. anything with flour *

 * Most specific to New Zealand

As I stated above, I am a university student and budgeting is crucial. This list is a mere suggestion and an attempt to educate readers on the unfamiliar/issues that aren’t commonly addressed. What is most important is that consumers get the suggested 5 to 10 servings of fruit and vegetables daily.

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